Friday, September 28, 2012

WebCenter Portal - Linking Between Navigation Models

A navigation model in WebCenter is primarily used for the navigation and navigational structure of a WebCenter portal application  At a current clients site we ran into the issue of using multiple navigation models and linking to them without the context of another or the current navigation model.

After a lot of research and poking around with the framework I managed to figure out that WebCenter has an undocumented (I couldn't find the doco) method of allowing to you to provide the context of a navigation model through a query string in the URL. 

If you tried to go to a URL in WebCenter and you go to the below you URL you will be linked to the root level id called home in the default navigation model. As such if your refer to an id in another navigation model you will receive a 404 error. However, if add the location of the navigation model as a wcnav.model query string it seems to find it's navigation context.

Default Navigation Model:
Test2 Navigation Model:

This opens alot of doors in terms of WebCenters URLs. As with a little effort allows for bookmarkable, SEO friendly URLs.

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